The increases of cancers, lung diseases, and even ch2lnred&#8i17;s death should be enough to slow our use of carbon energy.  Instead we seem to be rushing faster than ever the use and abuse of every pocket of energy.  When people see the link between their use of dirty fuels and the destruction they will cut back.  At least a percent of profits should be used to educate the public about the link to the death and destruction and not the industry lobby to buy government influence and increased use.

***初期設定 [#r4081430]
 $ cpan

 cpan> exit
***インストールディレクトリの設定 [#maf76e44]
 $ cpan
 cpan>  o conf makepl_arg "LIB=~/perl/lib PREFIX=~/perl  INSTALLMAN1DIR=~/perl/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=~/perl/man/man3"
    makepl_arg         LIB=~/perl/lib PREFIX=~/perl   INSTALLMAN1DIR=~/perl/man/man1 INSTALLMAN3DIR=~/perl/man/man3

 cpan> o conf commit
 commit: wrote /home/tacsw/.cpan/CPAN/MyConfig.pm

 cpan> exit
***モジュールのインストール [#g2094816]
 cpan> install Crypt::CBC

 Installing /home/tacsw/perl/lib/Crypt/CBC.pm
 Installing /home/tacsw/perl/man/man3/Crypt::CBC.3pm

 cpan> exit
***モジュールがインストールされているか確認 [#scaec230]
 $ ls /home/tacsw/perl/lib/Crypt/
***テストプログラム [#ib4f2784]
 use strict;
 use warnings;
 use Crypt::CBC;

***~/perl/lib/をライブラリに追加してテストプログラムを実行 [#b24cddc5]
-以下を実行してエラーが起こらなければOK(-Iで ~/perl/libを指定)
  perl -I /home/tacsw/perl/lib test.pl
***シェルの設定 [#ue26bed3]
 export  PERL5LIB=/home/tacsw/perl/lib/

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